Today’s episode features paleontologist Dr. Mike D'Emic and it’s a special two part mini-series / experiment where Chris leaves the theater and goes into the field to see science as it's happening.

Here are some photos (as promised!):

Mike pointing out where the rock shows the bottom of an ancient ocean

Mike pointing out where the rock shows the bottom of an ancient ocean

Hiking through the badlands

Hiking through the badlands

Dr. Mike D’Emic demonstrates "the lick test” to determine if we’ve found a fossilized bone or a rock.

Dr. Mike D’Emic demonstrates "the lick test” to determine if we’ve found a fossilized bone or a rock.

Chris demonstrates the latest and greatest in field recording fashion.

Chris demonstrates the latest and greatest in field recording fashion.

A jacketed Ulna bone

A jacketed Ulna bone

Popping the jacketed Ulna out of the rock

Popping the jacketed Ulna out of the rock

A successfully jacketed and popped ulna.

A successfully jacketed and popped ulna.

The house the research team and Chris stayed at while in the field.

The house the research team and Chris stayed at while in the field.

AuthorChris Duffy